Re-claim what is rightfully yours

Re-claim what is rightfully yours

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Taking time to figure it out

Taking time to figure out what you need in life is one of the keys too life itself. Now there is a difference between what you need and what you want. The reason I mention this is you must know what you need to get what you want. Most people don't take the enough time out of their busy day to day life to figure out what they actually want to do for the rest of their life. What ends up happening to most, is while we are trying to come up with a game plan for the best individual path we get stuck in a dead end job and the bills tend to catch up to us. The key to keeping you time maximized for making your game plan is to stay as debut free as possible. The reason for this is simple, debut is what causes us to settle out of necessity. In some situations this can not be avoided but in most it just comes down to our wants out waying our needs. If credit is not allowed to control us we do not live outside of our needs. It's all too easy now a days to take the free money offered to us, but its not free its a trap. Interest is the way banks and credit companies make their money now. Once your in their trap its very hard to get out, self control is the key to regaining your freedom. So the way too keep your life in your hands is to stay within your needs not your wants.

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